Terms and conditions

General Terms and Conditions

  1. I. Terms and Definitions1.1 For the purposes of these General Terms and Conditions (hereinafter referred to as “the Terms”), the following terms are used:
    1. a) HOPIN means the business company HOPIN, s. r. o., with its registered office at Pribinova 17952/4, 811 09 Bratislava, Slovak Republic, ID No.: 45 643 423, registered in the Commercial Register of District Court Bratislava I, Section Sro, File No. 66329/B.
    2. b) Application means the application called HOPIN for mobile devices, in particular smartphones and tablets, operated by HOPIN, through which it is possible to order a taxi service, courier service and purchase travel tickets of selected carriers.
    3. c) User means a natural person who creates a profile (account) in the Application or uses the Application without creating a profile (account).
    4. d) Account means the User’s profile created in the Application, which is protected by a password (authentication element) specified by the User.
    5. e) Shipment means the specific goods or other tangible inanimate object, the pickup and delivery of which to the selected address is ordered by the User through the Application.
    6. f) Customer means a natural person over 18 years of age who is interested in ordering courier services through the Application.
    7. g) Passenger means a natural person over 18 years of age who is interested in ordering a taxi service or purchasing tickets from selected carriers through the Application.
    8. h) HOPIN Driver means a third party who, on the basis of a contractual relationship with HOPIN, receives orders from Passengers for taxi services or orders from Customers for courier services through the Application.
    9. i) Electronic Wallet means an electronic record of prepaid funds (in the form of technical means storing property value electronically) in the Application, used only for payment for taxi services or the purchase of virtual travel tickets for public transport through the Application.
    10. j) Parking Ticket means a parking ticket for a personal motor vehicle purchased through the Application.II. Purpose and Subject-Matter of the Terms
    11. h) Luggage means any item whose dimensions are larger than 20x25x40cm and which the Passenger takes with him to the taxi service vehicle. If the Passenger has several pieces of smaller luggage, the sum of the sides of all pieces of luggage, which must not exceed 100 cm, is decisive.

    2.1 These Terms govern the rules for use of the Application. The User shall be obliged to read these Terms before starting to use the Application, to agree to the Terms and to comply with the obligations set out in the Terms for the entire time of use of the Application. If the User does not agree to these Terms or any part thereof, the User shall not be entitled to use the Application. By using the Application, the User indicates that he/she agrees to these Terms.

    2.2 HOPIN is neither a carrier (taxi service provider) in relation to Passengers, nor a courier service provider in relation to Customers. HOPIN provides Passengers and Customers with the possibility to order taxi or courier services from a HOPIN Driver through the Application and allows HOPIN Drivers to publish their offers for the provision of taxi services or courier services thus intermediating the orders from Passengers and Customers. Accordingly, HOPIN acts as an intermediary.

    2.3 The terms and conditions for the use of the Electronic Wallet and the purchase of virtual tickets for public transport via the Application are governed by the specific general terms and conditions available at https://hopintaxi.com/terms-bus-ep/.

    2.4 These Terms do not apply to the conditions for ordering taxi services and courier services based on a separate contract concluded between HOPIN and individual contractual partners (corporate customers).

    III. General Rules for the Use of the Application

    3.1 The company HOPIN is the owner of the property rights to the Application, the operator of the Application, the owner of the “HOPIN” trademark and verbal and visual representation thereof. By agreeing to these Terms, the User undertakes not to infringe upon HOPIN’s rights in relation to the Application and the intellectual property rights belonging to HOPIN.

    3.2 By downloading the Application and agreeing to these Terms, the User is granted a non-exclusive, royalty-free licence to use the Application in accordance with these Terms.

    3.3 In particular, the User undertakes not to:
    a) use the Application for any purpose other than the one defined in these Terms;
    b) circumvent the technical limitations of the Application;
    c) interfere with or alter the Application and its components;
    d) use the Application on behalf of another person or allow another person to use the Application under the User’s name;
    e) overload or otherwise cause the Application to become inoperable; and
    f) copy the Application and its components, or reproduce and publish the Application in an unauthorised way.

    3.4 The User shall be obliged to protect his/her device on which he/she uses the Application and to prevent any unauthorised use of the Application by another person. If unauthorized use of the User’s Account occurs, the User shall be obliged to inform HOPIN immediately.

    3.5 Together with these Terms, the User undertakes to comply with generally binding legal regulations and good manners when using the Application and undertakes not to misuse the Application, in particular to obtain unjustified benefits or to cause damage to any other entity.

    3.6 The User shall not be entitled to sublicense the Application.

    3.7 The use of the Application requires an internet connection, which the User must secure himself/herself and at his/her own expense.

    3.8 HOPIN shall not be responsible for the accuracy, completeness and timeliness of the data provided by Users in the Application. At the same time, HOPIN shall not be responsible for the speed of communication within the Application, nor the internet transmission of data.

    3.9 HOPIN verifies the HOPIN Drivers upon their registration with the Application; however, HOPIN cannot guarantee that a HOPIN Driver will keep complying with the obligations arising from generally applicable laws and these Terms throughout the entire time they are registered in the Application, therefore HOPIN shall not be liable for any breach of any obligations and prerequisites applicable to the performance of taxi services and courier services by HOPIN Drivers. The User may contact HOPIN at any time with any complaint about any HOPIN Driver via the Application.

    3.10 HOPIN bears no responsibility for any third-party content, if there are any third-party links and advertisements in the Application.

    IV. User Account

    4.1 After downloading the Application, the User can create an Account. Only natural persons over the age of 18 with full legal capacity can create an account.

    4.2 When creating an Account, the User shall be obliged to provide true and complete information, otherwise he/she is liable for any damage caused to HOPIN. If HOPIN discovers that the User has provided false or incomplete information, HOPIN is entitled to cancel or block the Account.

    4.3 Users’ personal data is processed by HOPIN in accordance with the privacy policy available at https://hopintaxi.com/privacy-policy/ and generally binding legislation governing the protection of personal data.

    V. Taxi Service

    5.1 Before placing any order, you need to choose a payment method. The application allows you to choose to pay in cash, by registered payment card, by invoice (corporate customers) or via the Electronic Wallet. The rules for use of the Application in case of invoice payments (business customers) are not subject to these Terms.

    5.2 The transport contract between the Passenger and the HOPIN Driver is concluded upon the creation of an order by the User and its acceptance by the HOPIN Driver. HOPIN is not a party to the transport contract and does not provide the transport itself.

    5.3 HOPIN does not guarantee that, once the Passenger’s order has been created, the order will be accepted by the HOPIN Driver.

    5.4 In the Application the Passenger can choose whether to order a taxi by entering the destination address and let the Application to choose the HOPIN Driver, or the Passenger can choose a specific HOPIN Driver from the available HOPIN Drivers in the vicinity. If the HOPIN Driver selected by the Passenger is not available or does not accept the order, HOPIN is entitled to select another available HOPIN Driver.

    5.5 The price of the booked transport will be displayed to the Passenger before the order is created in the Application. The price is based on the HOPIN price list available at https://hopintaxi.com/ and the current surcharges for the chosen route and journey time. The Passenger is made aware of the price of the service before placing the order and by placing an order the Passenger agrees to the price of the transport so determined. If the Passenger chooses the method of payment for transportation via the entered payment card, he hereby authorizes the company HOPIN to verify the feasibility of the payment after boarding the vehicle. Verification of the feasibility of the payment will take place by HOPIN entering an order for payment from the Passenger’s payment card in the amount of the expected price of the ride, calculated through the Application. After successful verification, the payment is canceled and the final price of the ordered transportation is withdrawn from the Passenger’s payment card only after the trip is over. At the same time, the Passenger acknowledges and agrees that if the verification of the feasibility of the payment is not successful, the method of payment for the transport is automatically changed to the additional payment method that the Passenger has set in the Application at the time of creating the order.

    5.6 In case of interruption of the drive on the basis of the Passenger’s instruction, a change of the route on the basis of the Passenger’s instruction, unexpected obstacles on the chosen route or other exceptional circumstances, a surcharge may be charged in addition to the preliminary price of the transport communicated to the Passenger when placing the order (clause 5.5 of the Terms), which will be calculated according to the current price of the journey and the route or journey time actually travelled.

    5.7 The Passenger acknowledges and agrees that once the order for taxi service has been created, accepted by the HOPIN Driver and the HOPIN Driver’s vehicle has been entered into, it is not possible to withdraw from the concluded transport contract, given that the commencement of the transport starts before the expiry of the withdrawal period. If the Passenger cancels a taxi order more than twice (regardless of whether the orders are assigned to the same HOPIN Driver or not) after the HOPIN Driver has arrived at the pick-up location specified by the Passenger in the order, contacted the Passenger via the Application and the Passenger fails to appear within 5 minutes of the HOPIN Driver’s arrival at the pick-up address, the HOPIN Driver shall be entitled to a cancellation fee of EUR 3,- and HOPIN shall be entitled to charge the Passenger this cancellation fee for each subsequent cancelled order in accordance with clause 5.13 of this article hereof.

    5.8 The Rules for the use of the Electronic Wallet for payment for taxi services are subject to specific general terms and conditions available at https://hopintaxi.com/terms-bus-ep/.

    5.9 If HOPIN Drivers are busy when the order is placed by the Passenger and no HOPIN Driver accepts the Passenger’s order, HOPIN is entitled to forward the Passenger’s order to any of its contractual partners should the Passenger agree so via the Application. If the Passenger’s order is forwarded to a contractual partner of HOPIN, the method of payment for the transport may be limited to cash, in which case the Passenger shall be notified in advance of the limited method of payment in the Application.

    5.10 When placing an order for a taxi service, the Passenger shall provide correct and complete details of the pick-up address and the destination address. If the Passenger does not provide the correct pick-up address and the HOPIN Driver is unable to pick up the Passenger according to the details provided, the HOPIN Driver will attempt to contact the Passenger by message via the Application. If the Passenger does not respond to the message, the HOPIN Driver is entitled to cancel the order 5 minutes after arriving at the pick-up address. If an order is cancelled under this clause of the Terms or under clauses 5.7, 5.11 or 5.12 of these Terms more than twice (regardless of whether the orders are assigned to the same HOPIN Driver or not), the HOPIN Driver shall be entitled to a cancellation fee of EUR 3,- and HOPIN shall be entitled to charge the Passenger this cancellation fee for each subsequent cancelled order in accordance with clause 5.13 of this article hereof.

    5.11 It must be possible to access the pickup and destination address specified by the Passenger safely and without obstruction by a passenger motor vehicle. If safe and unrestricted access to the pickup address is not possible by passenger motor vehicle, the HOPIN Driver will attempt to contact the Passenger by message via the Application. If the Passenger does not respond to the message or if the Passenger refuses to arrive at the nearest accessible place, the HOPIN Driver is entitled to cancel the order 5 minutes after arriving at the pickup address or the nearest accessible place. If an order is cancelled under this clause of the Terms or under clauses 5.7, 5.10 or 5.12 of these Terms more than twice (regardless of whether the orders are assigned to the same HOPIN Driver or not), the HOPIN Driver shall be entitled to a cancellation fee of EUR 3,- and HOPIN shall be entitled to charge the Passenger this cancellation fee for each subsequent cancelled order in accordance with clause 5.13 of this article hereof. If safe and unrestricted access to the destination address is not possible, the HOPIN Driver will take the Passenger to the nearest accessible address, while the HOPIN Driver shall be entitled to be paid the full amount of the ordered taxi service and HOPIN shall be entitled to charge the Passenger for such amount.

    5.12 If the Passenger fails to appear at the HOPIN Driver’s vehicle even after being informed of the HOPIN Driver’s arrival at the pick-up address via the Application, within 5 minutes (depending on whether the HOPIN Driver can wait at the selected pick-up location), the HOPIN Driver is entitled to cancel the order. If an order is cancelled under this clause of the Terms or under clauses 5.7, 5.10 or 5.11 of these Terms more than twice (regardless of whether the order is assigned to the same HOPIN Driver or not), the HOPIN Driver shall be entitled to a cancellation fee of EUR 3,- and HOPIN shall be entitled to charge the Passenger this cancellation fee for each subsequent cancelled order in accordance with clause 5.13 of this article hereof.

    5.13 Should the HOPIN Driver be entitled to a cancellation fee under these Terms, HOPIN shall inform the User of this fact via the Application. In such case, the cancellation fee will be charged to the User when creating the next order for taxi service, so that the price of the next ordered transport will be increased by the amount of the cancellation fee, and the Passenger will be informed of this fact via the Application. If the Passenger is obliged to pay the cancellation fee repeatedly, i.e. for multiple cancelled orders, HOPIN will charge these cancellation fees when the Passenger places subsequent transport orders, so that the price of one ordered transport will be increased by no more than EUR 3,-.

    5.14 If the User repeatedly enters incorrect pickup addresses or repeatedly fails to appear at the HOPIN Driver’s vehicle within the time limit set out in clause 5.12 of this Article hereof, HOPIN shall be entitled to block or cancel the User’s Account and to prevent the very same User from re-registering.

    5.15 If the User is given a time of arrival of the HOPIN Driver at the pickup address before placing an order in the Application, such information is only preliminary and indicative and HOPIN does not guarantee the arrival of the HOPIN Driver at the pickup address at that time.

    VI. Courier Services

    6.1 After creating an Account in the Application, the User is entitled to order courier services from HOPIN Drivers by placing an order in the “Courier” section. HOPIN only mediates the order between the Customer and the HOPIN Driver through the Application and HOPIN itself is not a courier service provider.

    6.2 HOPIN does not guarantee that a HOPIN Driver will accept an order placed by the Customer.

    6.3 When ordering courier services through the Application, payment can be made either with a card specified by the Customer, payment on invoice (corporate customers) or payment via the Electronic Wallet. The rules for use of the Application in case of invoice payments (business customers) are not subject to these Terms.

    6.4 When placing an order for courier services, the Customer is informed of the price of courier services in the Application and the Customer is obliged to familiarize himself/herself with it. By placing an order, the Customer agrees to the price of the ordered courier services.

    6.5 When placing an order for courier services, the Customer selects a pickup address and a delivery address. The customer is responsible for providing a correct and complete pickup address and delivery address. If the Customer does not provide the correct pickup address and the HOPIN Driver is unable to pick up the Shipment according to the details provided, the HOPIN Driver will contact the Customer by message via the Application, and if the Customer does not respond to the message, the HOPIN Driver will attempt to contact the Customer by telephone. If the pick-up is still not possible or the Customer cannot be contacted, the HOPIN Driver will cancel the order and shall be entitled to claim from the Customer the actual costs incurred for the route travelled, and HOPIN shall be entitled to charge the Customer the amount of the actual costs incurred.

    6.6 The pickup address and the delivery address provided by the Customer must be safely and unrestrictedly accessible by a passenger motor vehicle, otherwise the HOPIN Driver will message the Customer via the Application, and if the Customer does not respond to the message, the HOPIN Driver will attempt to contact the Customer by telephone and arrange collection of the Shipment at the nearest available location. If it is not possible to pick up the Shipment or if the Customer cannot be contacted, the HOPIN Driver shall be entitled to cancel the order and to claim from the Customer the actual costs incurred for the route travelled, and HOPIN shall be entitled to charge the Customer the amount of the actual costs incurred. If safe and unrestricted access to the delivery address is not possible, the HOPIN Driver will contact the addressee via the telephone number provided by the Customer and ask him/her to come and collect the Shipment at an available location, and if this is not possible, the HOPIN Driver will return the Shipment to the Customer at the place of pick up, while being entitled to payment of the full amount of the courier services ordered, and HOPIN shall be entitled to charge the Customer for such amount.

    6.7 When placing an order, the Customer may choose to request a 4-digit code (“Code”) for authentication of the addressee upon receipt of the Shipment. If the Customer requests the creation of a code, the Customer undertakes to communicate the code to the addressee in time, so that the addressee would be able to communicate the code upon receipt of the Shipment, and the HOPIN Driver is not entitled to deliver the Shipment unless the addressee uses the correct code.

    6.8 The Customer shall be obliged to ensure that the addressee would be present at the delivery address and to inform the addressee of the code (clause 6.7 hereof). If the addressee does not use the correct code or the addressee is not present at the place of delivery and cannot be contacted even via the telephone number provided by the Customer, the HOPIN Driver will indicate in the Application that it is not possible to deliver the Shipment and the Customer can choose between a repeated delivery of the Shipment or returning the Shipment to the Customer’s pickup address. If the Customer does not choose between redelivery or return of the Shipment within 12 hours of indicating the inability to deliver the Shipment in the Application, the Shipment will be returned to the Customer at the point of collection. If the Shipment is delivered back to the Customer or redelivered, the HOPIN Driver shall be entitled to payment of the price for courier services in the same manner as if the Shipment had been properly delivered, and HOPIN shall be entitled to charge the full price for courier services to the Customer. In case of redelivery of the Shipment, the HOPIN Driver is also entitled to claim a new (additional) price for courier services, which should be notified to the Customer when selecting the redelivery option in the Application.

    6.9 If the Shipment can be neither delivered to the addressee at the place of delivery nor returned to the Customer at the pick-up place for at least 3 working days, the HOPIN Driver shall arrange for the delivery thereof to Nové záhrady I/13a, 821 05 Bratislava and the Shipment will be stored for a maximum of up to one year at the Customer’s expense.

    6.10 The Customer shall be further obliged to ensure the following in particular:
    a) properly pack the Shipment so that it is sufficiently protected from damage, destruction or deterioration and cannot damage the vehicle, nor put the safe operation of the vehicle at risk;
    b) the subject of the Shipment is not unsuitable for transport or prohibited; in particular animals, food or other goods requiring refrigeration during transport cannot be transported, as well as Shipments exceeding 15 kg in weight or 500 mm x 1500 mm in size, valid coins, banknotes, cheques, bills of exchange, shares, bonds and other securities, antiques, paintings and works of art or other items of apparent or incalculable value, goods, articles or materials the transport of which is prohibited or restricted under generally applicable law, cash on delivery Shipments, shipments to own hands or Shipments to P. O. Boxes;
    c) the delivery address, the addressee’s name and telephone number is marked on the Shipments.

    6.11 The HOPIN Driver shall be entitled to refuse to accept any Shipment breaching any of the obligations set out in clause 6.10 hereof.

    6.12 If the Passenger fails to provide the correct destination address, the HOPIN Driver shall be entitled to charge the Passenger the cost of the courier services according to the actual destination address, and HOPIN is entitled to charge the Customer for such amount.

    6.13 If all the HOPIN Drivers are busy at the time of the Customer’s order and no HOPIN Driver accepts the Customer’s order, HOPIN is entitled to forward the Customer’s order to its contractors subject to the Customer’s consent granted via the Application. If the Customer’s order is forwarded to a HOPIN contractual partner, the Customer may be limited to a cash payment method, in which case the Customer will be notified through the Application in advance of the limited payment method.

    6.14 The HOPIN Driver is responsible for the Shipment after accepting it from the Customer. If the Shipment is damaged, the Customer shall be entitled to claim damages exclusively from the HOPIN Driver or the driver of the HOPIN contractual partner who provided the courier services to the Customer. Likewise, the HOPIN Driver or the driver of a HOPIN contractual partner shall be solely responsible for the proper provision of courier services. However, to facilitate the exercising of rights, the Customer has the option to contact HOPIN at bratislava@hopintaxi.com or via the Application.

    6.15 The Customer acknowledges and agrees that once an order for courier services has been placed, accepted by the HOPIN Driver and the Shipment has been collected, it is not possible to withdraw from the concluded contract for the provision of courier services on the grounds that the provision of courier services commences before the expiry of the withdrawal period. If the Customer cancels the order after it has been accepted by the HOPIN Driver, the HOPIN Driver shall be entitled to claim from the Customer the actual costs incurred for the route travelled until the cancellation of the order, and HOPIN is entitled to charge the Customer for the actual costs incurred.

    VII. HOPIN Drivers

    7.1 This Article governs the rights and obligations of HOPIN Drivers when using the Application, providing taxi services and courier services. The provisions set out in Articles I to IV and Articles IX and X. hereof shall also apply to the HOPIN Driver.

    7.2 Before using the Application for the purpose of providing taxi services and courier services, the HOPIN Driver shall be obliged to enter into a separate agreement with HOPIN governing the terms and conditions of intermediation of orders to the HOPIN Driver by HOPIN (hereinafter referred to as the “Agreement”), a contract for the processing of personal data and to agree to these Terms. Legal matters not covered by the Agreement shall be governed by the relevant sections of these Terms applicable to the HOPIN Driver. The provisions of the Agreement shall prevail over these Terms. By using the Application, the HOPIN Driver agrees to these Terms (to the extent applicable to the HOPIN Driver).

    7.3 HOPIN shall ensure that the HOPIN Driver is listed as a taxi or courier service provider in the Application and shall mediate the orders placed by Passengers and Customers through the Application. By accepting an order via the Application, the HOPIN Driver undertakes to perform the ordered taxi services or courier services. The terms and conditions for cancellation of an order after it having been already accepted by the HOPIN Driver are subject to the Agreement.

    7.4 The HOPIN Driver acknowledges that HOPIN does not enter into a relationship between the HOPIN Driver and the Passenger or the Customer by mediating the orders for taxi services and courier services.

    7.5 HOPIN does not guarantee any minimum number of orders to the HOPIN Driver.

    7.6 HOPIN is not able to screen Passengers and Customers and is not liable for any conduct or damage caused by the Passenger or the Customer to the HOPIN Driver.

    7.7 If a HOPIN Driver wishes to use the Application, he/she must also comply with all conditions, including holding business authorisations, concessions and fulfilment of other obligations arising from generally binding regulations, in particular Act No. 455/1991 Coll. on Trade Business, as amended, Act No. 8/2009 Coll. on Road Transport, as amended, Act No. 56/2012 Coll. on Road Transport as amended, Act No. 381/2001 Coll. on Compulsory Motor Third-party Liability Insurance, and on amendment to and supplementation of certain Acts, as amended, and others. The HOPIN Driver agrees to comply with all obligations under the preceding sentence of this paragraph hereof throughout the use of the Application as a HOPIN Driver. The HOPIN Driver shall ensure that any persons and vehicles used by the HOPIN Driver to provide taxi services and courier services also comply with the obligations under the first sentence of this clause hereof at all times when using the Application as a HOPIN Driver. If a HOPIN Driver fails to comply with the obligations set out in this clause of the Terms, he/she shall cease using the Application as a HOPIN Driver.

    7.8 The HOPIN Driver is mainly responsible for:
    a) the proper provision of taxi services;
    b) damage to health or property caused by the operation of a motor vehicle, in particular in connection with a traffic accident or insurance event caused by the HOPIN Driver;
    c) the proper provision of courier services; and
    d) damage caused to the Shipment after receiving it from the Customer, except where the damage is caused by unsuitable packaging, the inherent nature of the subject of the Shipment or an unforeseeable and unavoidable circumstances (force majeure).

    7.9 If the HOPIN Driver provides services taxi or courier services through his/her drivers, whether in an employment relationship or under any special contract, the HOPIN Driver shall be liable as if he/she was performing the services himself/herself.

    7.10 Within the scope of HOPIN’s mediation of orders to the HOPIN Drivers, HOPIN shall also arrange for the acceptance of card payments from Customers and Passengers and the subsequent remittance in accordance with the terms and conditions agreed in the Agreement to the account specified by the HOPIN Driver. However, HOPIN is not responsible for payments made by Customers and Passengers. Upon request by HOPIN, the HOPIN driver shall be obliged to immediately provide the necessary assistance needed for investigation of any transaction, in particular by providing information about the taxi services or courier service provided.

    7.11 The HOPIN Driver acknowledges and agrees that Passengers and Customers can rate HOPIN Drivers via the Application and the rating is also visible to Users placing orders, which may affect the number of orders for the HOPIN Driver.

    7.12 Following complaints from Passengers or Customers, discovery of a breach of the HOPIN Driver’s obligations under the Agreement, these Terms or generally applicable law, in particular in case of an inadequate rating of the HOPIN Driver in the Application, rejecting more orders per week than agreed in the Agreement, failure to achieve the order acceptance percentage agreed in the Agreement or breach of the non-compete clause stipulated in the Agreement, HOPIN shall be entitled to temporarily or permanently block or terminate the HOPIN Driver’s account and not allow him/her to continue using the Application or to re-register, even without prior notice being given.

    7.13 The HOPIN Driver undertakes not to damage the reputation of HOPIN, to observe the good manners in contact with Customers and Passengers and to observe the traffic rules.

    7.14 Unless the Shipment can be delivered to the addressee at the place of delivery or returned to the Customer at the place of collection within less than 3 working days, the HOPIN Driver shall arrange for its delivery to the address Nové záhrady I/13a, 821 05 Bratislava.

    7.15 Upon termination of business activities or loss of the necessary authorisations to carry out the activity, the HOPIN Driver shall be obliged to immediately inform HOPIN and stop using the Application as a HOPIN Driver.

    7.16 If the pick-up or delivery address cannot be accessed safely and without restriction by a passenger motor vehicle or the addresses entered are incorrect or incomplete, the HOPIN Driver shall proceed in accordance with Article V, clause 5.10 or 5.11 of these Terms in the case of a taxi service or Article VI, clause 6.5 or 6.6 of these Terms in the case of a courier service. Should the Passenger fail to appear at the selected pick-up address, the HOPIN Driver shall proceed according to Article V, clause 5.12 of these Terms.

    7.17 Should the order for taxi services be cancelled pursuant to Art. V, clause 5.7, 5.10, 5.11 or 5.12, the HOPIN Driver shall be entitled to claim from the Passenger a cancellation fee in the amount and under the conditions agreed in the Contract.

    7.18 The HOPIN Driver undertakes not to misuse the Application, in particular not to obtain contacts of Passengers and Customers and not to circumvent the taxi or courier service ordering system via the Application.

    VIII. Parking Tickets

    8.1 The User may purchase Parking Tickets through the Application, which are used to pay for parking fees at the parking system operators, with which HOPIN has concluded a contract. Parking Tickets issued by the following operators can currently purchased via the Application: Capital City of the Slovak Republic Bratislava, with its registered office at Primaciálne námestie No. 1, 814 99 Bratislava, Slovak Republic, ID No: 00 603 481, ParkSys parking system used in Bratislava.

    8.2 In order to purchase a Parking Ticket, you need to allow the Application to track the location of your mobile device.

    8.3 Parking Tickets purchased through the Application can only be used to pay parking fees for passenger motor vehicles.

    8.4 Before purchasing a Parking Ticket and parking in the selected parking space, the User shall be obliged to verify whether the selected parking space belongs to the parking system operated by the operator as defined in point 8.1 of these Terms. HOPIN shall not be liable for any damages, including penalties imposed on the User, if the User fails to comply with the User’s obligation defined in the previous sentence of this paragraph hereof, and in particular if the User purchases a Parking Ticket via the Application and parks in a parking space that does not belong to the parking system to which the purchased Parking Ticket applies or parks in a non-designated space.

    8.5 HOPIN is not the parking system operator. The Application only facilitates the sale of Parking Tickets from the parking system operator to the User. Thus, HOPIN is not responsible for the provision of the service itself.

    8.6 A Parking Tickets purchased through the Application may be paid for by a payment card or from the User’s Electronic Wallet funds. The rules that apply to the purchase of a Parking Ticket through the Electronic Wallet are subject to specific general terms and conditions available at https://hopintaxi.com/terms-bus-ep/. The parking system operator may also allow other payment methods (parking cards), which will be governed by the terms and conditions set by the parking system operator, in which case the Application will only record the payment method and the mediation thereof to the parking system operator, i.e. HOPIN is not the provider of any payment service.

    8.7 The price of the Parking Ticket is available in the Application and in the price list published at /to be specified/.

    8.8 In the Application the User selects the time period of the Parking Ticket, while the minimum time period of the Parking Ticket is 30 minutes.

    8.9 Prior to the expiry of the Parking Ticket, the User will be notified via the Application of the approaching expiry of the Parking Ticket. Then, the User can either purchase another Parking Ticket via the Application and select the time period, or extend the time period of the existing Parking Ticket, or allow an unspecified period of time to run, for which the User will be charged the parking fee according to the current price list for each one minute, in which case the parking fee will be charged from the User’s Electronic Wallet funds in accordance with the terms and conditions set out in the Electronic Wallet General Terms and Conditions, which is available at https://hopintaxi.com/terms-bus-ep/. If the User wishes to extend the validity of the Parking Ticket for a selected period of time and does not have funds registered in the Electronic Wallet, the User can pay for the Parking Ticket extension by payment card via the Application.

    8.10 After purchasing the Parking Ticket, the User receives a confirmation of the purchase of the Parking Ticket via the Application and to the e-mail address provided by the User. A Parking Ticket is valid from the moment it is purchased via the Application.

    8.11 The User acknowledges that once the Parking Ticket has been purchased via the Application and the service has been fully provided, it is not possible to withdraw from the contract concluded with the parking system operator, given that the provision of the service starts before the withdrawal period expires.

    8.12 You can also purchase discounted or reduced Parking Tickets through the Application. If a discounted or reduced Parking Ticket is purchased, the User is solely responsible for meeting the conditions for its use and HOPIN shall not be liable for any damages, including penalties imposed on the User, if the User does not meet the conditions entitling him/her for a discounted or reduced Parking Ticket. The conditions for discounted or reduced Parking Tickets are set by the parking system operator.

    8.13 The conditions set by the parking system operator are available at paas.sk and parking.kosice.sk


    IX. Complaints
    9.1 Although HOPIN is not responsible for the proper provision of services by HOPIN Drivers and the parking system operator, HOPIN welcomes complaints about a taxi, courier or parking service provided, which can be filed through a form or a message in the Application, by email to bratislava@hopintaxi.com or by the contact form available on the website, while the complaint is then forwarded to a specific HOPIN Driver, driver of the HOPIN contractual partner or parking system operator. However, it is always the HOPIN Driver, the driver of the HOPIN contractual partner or the parking system operator who is liable for defective performance of the ordered taxi services or courier services.

    9.2 A complaint about a taxi service or courier service must be made without any undue delay, not later than within 5 working days of the date of provision of the services or cancellation of the order.

    9.3 A complaint about the parking service provided must be made without any undue delay, not later than within the time limit set by the parking system operator.

    9.4 The Passenger and the Customer acknowledge that a complaint about a taxi service or a courier service is considered filed only after having been forwarded to the HOPIN Driver, driver of the HOPIN contractual partner or parking system operator, of which the Passenger or Customer is informed.

    9.5 The HOPIN driver undertakes to handle any complaint about a taxi service or courier service without any undue delay, in complex cases within 3 working days of the date of the complaint, however not later than 30 days from the service date, and to issue a confirmation of receipt of the complaint (referral from HOPIN) to the Passenger or Customer. In the case of a complaint made through the company HOPIN, HOPIN shall issue a confirmation of receipt of the complaint on behalf of the HOPIN Driver.

    9.6 The User shall be entitled to make a complaint about a transaction made through the Application by email to bratislava@hopintaxi.com, through the Application or through the contact form available on the website. A complaint about a transaction made through the Application must be filed within 30 days of the date of such transaction. HOPIN will process a complaint about a transaction made through the Application without any undue delay, not later than 30 days from the date of receipt.

    9.7 Users shall be obliged to provide the cooperation needed for the clarification of the complaint.

    X. Supervisory Authority and Alternative Dispute Resolution

    10.1 The supervisory authority in matters of consumer protection is the Slovak Trade Inspection (SOI), SOI Inspectorate for Bratislava Region, Bajkalská 21/A, P. O. BOX No. 5, 820 07 Bratislava, Slovak Republic.

    10.2 The consumer shall have the right to apply to an alternative dispute resolution body for the protection of his or her consumer rights. In the event of a cross-border dispute, the consumer shall be entitled to contact the European Consumer Centre, which will provide the consumer with a delivery address, an electronic address or a telephone number for the alternative dispute resolution body competent to resolve the dispute. The possibilities and conditions of an alternative dispute resolution are regulated by Act No. 391/2015 Coll. on Alternative Dispute Resolution, and on amendment to and supplementation of certain Acts. The list of alternative dispute resolution bodies is available on the website of the Ministry of Economy of the Slovak Republic at: https://www.mhsr.sk/obchod/ochrana-spotrebitela/alternativne-riesenie-spotrebitelskych-sporov-1/zoznam-subjektov-alternativneho-riesenia-spotrebitelskych-sporov-1. A proposal for alternative dispute resolution can also be submitted via the platform available at:

    XI. Final Provisions

    11.1 The User shall not be entitled to assign any claim against HOPIN without the prior written consent of HOPIN. The User shall not be entitled to unilaterally set off a claim against HOPIN.

    11.2 The law applicable to the resolution of disputes shall be the law of the Slovak Republic and the competent courts shall be the courts of the Slovak Republic. If the User is not domiciled, nor have a place of business or registered office in the territory of the Slovak Republic, the court competent to resolve disputes shall be the court of the Slovak Republic in the place of the registered office of HOPIN.

    11.3 These Terms may be executed in several language versions, while the Slovak version shall prevail.

    11.4 If any provision of these Terms becomes invalid or ineffective, we shall be entitled to replace it with another provision as close in content and purpose as possible to the original provision, and such invalidity or ineffectiveness shall not affect the validity and effectiveness of the other provisions of these Terms.

    11.5 We may change these Terms at any time, including without providing prior notice or warning to you.

    11.6 These Terms and any amendments thereto shall become effective upon their posting.

    11.7 If you have any questions or need technical assistance you may contact us at any time at bratislava@hopintaxi.com.