Why to use HOPIN Parking?
You can buy parking ticket through simple and intuitive application verified by more than 700,000 downloads.
Simply create your profile and add identification number of your vehicle. You can also add multiple cars.
Parking zone is determined by the app based on your location or you can select it from the list of zones in app.
Set parking period and see the price in advance. Than you can reserve your parking ticket.
Payment for parking is made through the application by card, e-wallet or from a registered company account.
You can synchronize your profile in the HOPIN application with the PAAS profile (if you already have registered PAAS profile).
* HOPIN Parking service was created in cooperation
with the city of Bratislava and the project
Bratislava parking assistant – PAAS.
It is currently only available in Bratislava
in the zones designated under the PAAS project.

Parking prices are determined
by PAAS.
Learn more at PAAS.sk