Quick and easy e-ticket purchase.
Currently, you can buy tickets for public transport in Košice.
Download HOPIN to your mobile and buy your bus ticket online:
* Currently, in the BUS profile you can purchase a ticket for:
public transport in Košice,
HOPIN BUS in Bratislava
works as an information board.
If you already have a profile, just log in. If you do not have a profile yet then you need to register. For complete instructions and description in HELP section.
To purchase virtual tickets, you need to have a payment card registered in your profile.
Choose the ticket that suits you. Basic and discounted tickets are available.
You can pay for the ticket in 3 ways: one-time payment from a payment card, from your credit (which you top up in the app) or from your company account.
700 000+
35 mil.
Advantages of buying a ticket via the app
• speeds up boarding the bus
• e-ticket in your smartphone
• convenient wallet with in-app credit
• environmentally friendly